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    ENGLISH Channel 01 If English is your language, or a language you understand, THIS IS YOUR CHANNEL !

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    ITALIAN Channel 02 Se l’italiano è la tua lingua, o una lingua che conosci, QUESTO È IL TUO CANALE!

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    EXTRA Channel 03 FRED Film Radio channel used to broadcast press conferences, seminars, workshops, master classes, etc.

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    GERMAN Channel 04 Wenn Ihre Sprache Deutsch ist, oder Sie diese Sprache verstehen, dann ist das IHR KANAL !

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    POLISH Channel 05

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    SPANISH Channel 06 Si tu idioma es el español, o es un idioma que conoces, ¡ESTE ES TU CANAL!

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    FRENCH Channel 07 Si votre langue maternelle est le français, ou si vous le comprenez, VOICI VOTRE CHAINE !

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    PORTUGUESE Channel 08

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    ROMANIAN Channel 09 Dacă vorbiţi sau înţelegeţi limba română, ACESTA ESTE CANALUL DUMNEAVOASTRĂ!

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    SLOVENIAN Channel 10

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    ENTERTAINMENT Channel 11 FRED Film Radio Channel used to broadcast music and live shows from Film Festivals.

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    BULGARIAN Channel 16 Ако българският е вашият роден език, или го разбирате, ТОВА Е ВАШИЯТ КАНАЛ !

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    CROATIAN Channel 17 Ako je hrvatski tvoj jezik, ili ga jednostavno razumiješ, OVO JE TVOJ KANAL!

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    LATVIAN Channel 18

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    DANISH Channel 19

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    DUTCH Channel 21

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    GREEK Channel 22

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    CZECH Channel 23

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    LITHUANIAN Channel 24

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    SLOVAK Channel 25

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    ICELANDIC Channel 26 Ef þú talar, eða skilur íslensku, er ÞETTA RÁSIN ÞÍN !

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    INDUSTRY Channel 27 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to industry professionals.

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    EDUCATION Channel 28 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to film literacy.

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    SARDU Channel 29 Si su sardu est sa limba tua, custu est su canale chi ti deghet!

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    “Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot


374 Results / Page 27 of 42



Lech Majewski – Field of Dogs – Onirica

Lech Majewski, Director, Field of Dogs - Onirica. Festival Section: Panorama Internazionale. Polish artist,poet, composer, painter, writer, producer and director Lech Majewski, after revolutioning the way Art has been represented through cinema, this time has decided to explore the world of La DIVINA COMMEDIA by Dante Alighieri. In Bari to present the italian release of the fim Majewski tells FRED how he came up with the idea of choosing Dante …

todayApril 9, 2014


Rani Massalha – Giraffada #BIFEST

Rani Massalha, Director, Giraffada. Festival Section: Panorama Internazionale. Fred meets with Rani Massalha on the occasion of the Italian premiere of his first feature film GIRAFFADA competing in the Panorama Internazionale at the 5th edition of the BIFEST – Bari International Film Festival. Massalha chooses to portray the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by narrating the love story between two giraffes in a Palestinian zoo. However, the film’s main focus is to talk …

todayApril 7, 2014


Anna Margarita Albelo and Guinevere Turner – Who’s Afraid of Vagina Wolf?

Anna Margarita Albelo (Director, co-writer, co-producer and actress), Guinevere Turner (Actress), Who's Afraid of Vagina Wolf?. Festival Section: Bodies. Filmmaker Anna Margarita Albelo and actress Guinevere Turner talk to FRED about the film WHO'S AFRAID OF VAGINA WOLF?, from the BFI Flare London LGBT Film Festival. Anna Margarita Albelo (Hooters) returns to our screens with this wonderful semi-autobiographical offering about a filmmaker named Anna who at 40 is still single …

todayApril 4, 2014


Shaun Kadlec – Born This Way

Shaun Kadlec, Co-director and co-producer, Born This Way. Festival Section: Minds. FRED meets filmmaker Shaun Kadlec at the BFI Flare London LGBT Film Festival. Shaun directed and produced the documentary BORN THIS WAY along with Deb Tullmann. At a time when  rights around the world are being stripped away, it’s more important than ever to highlight stories from places that punish you for being who you are. An excellent documentary …

todayApril 2, 2014


Matthieu Chatellier – Sauf ici, peut-être #Cinemadureel

Matthieu Chatellier, Sauf  ici, peut-être. Section: Compétition française. Avec Sauf ici, peut-être, Matthieu Chatellier nous offre un voyage subtil et pudique qui navigue entre des portraits de figures masculines abîmées par la vie et des silences habités. Filant la métaphore du voyage et de la quête du "chez soi", il filme ces Ulysses modernes, réunis dans une communauté Emmaüs située à côté de Caen. Des instantanés aux meubles oubliés, Matthieu …

todayMarch 29, 2014


Jeanne Delafosse et Camille Plagnet – Eugène Gabana, le pétrolier #Cinemadureel

Jeanne Delafosse, Camille Plagnet, Eugène Gabana, le pétrolier. Section: Compétition Française. Jeanne Delafosse et Camille Plagnet nous entraînent à Ouagadougou à la rencontre d'Eugène Gabana dit "Le Pétrolier", un jeune homme de 20 ans au dos courbé et à la petite taille qui a un emploi du temps de business man. Entre petits trafics de téléphone et magouilles de décoration de Noël, Eugène Gabana nous invite à découvrir sa vie, …

todayMarch 29, 2014


Kazim Öz – He Bû Tune Bû (Once Upon A Time) #Cinemadureel

Kazim Öz, Réalisateur, He Bû Tune Bû (Once Upon A Time). Section: Compétition internationale. Dans ce documentaire au titre de fable, Kazim Öz nous donne à voir l'harassant quotidien d'une famille de saisonniers kurdes qui quittent chaque année l'Anatolie pour travailler plusieurs mois, malades et enfants compris, dans des champs de salades près d'Ankara, sous la houlette d'un patron turc qui ne leur fait aucun cadeau. Cependant, sans perdre de …

todayMarch 28, 2014


Letizia Gullo – Mare Magnum #Cinemadureel

Letizia Gullo, Réalisatrice, Mare Magnum. Section: Compétition internationale Premiers Films. Le film de Letizia Gullo et Ester Sparatore, produit en France, suit la campagne électorale (et la victoire, en mai 2012) de la candidate verte Giusi Nicolini sur les îles de Lampedusa e Linosa, au beau milieu de la Méditerranée, un endroit fascinant de singularités, connu pour être la porte de l'Europe pour des milliers d'immigrants africains, mais le reste …

todayMarch 27, 2014

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