Venice Production Bridge Interview
Karel Och – Karlovy Vary Film Festival #Venezia77
The director of the karlovy vary Film Festival talks about his hopes and ideas on festivals in this strange times
Venice Production Bridge Interview
The director of the karlovy vary Film Festival talks about his hopes and ideas on festivals in this strange times
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
La directrice du Locarno Film Festival parle du festival dans la pandémie et du futur proche.
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia Interview
Our usual talk with director of the Venice production bridge on this peculiar 2020 edition
Venice Production Bridge Interview
The classic chat with Pascal Diot after the wrap-up of Venice Production Bridge 2019.
Venice Production Bridge Interview
An interesting talk about gender equality in cinema in Europe with the founder of European Women 's Audiovisual Network.
Venice Production Bridge Interview
Le directeur du Venice Production Bridge nous parle de l'édition 2019, des résultats et des numeros.
Venice Production Bridge Interview
La Campania e Napoli sono presenti alla Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia in modo massiccio, in molte sezioni del programma. Ne parliamo con Maurizio Gemma.
Venice Production Bridge Interview
La collaborazione nel Social Film Fund tra Fondazione Con Il Sud e Apulia Film Commission e i film risultato di questa azione congiunta nelle parole dei rappresentanti degli enti che l'hanno concepita..
Venice Production Bridge Interview
Il Vice presidente di Film Commission Torino Piemonte presenta l'evento Torino Città del Cinema 2020.