London Spanish Film Festival Interview
Pablo Romero Fresco – Donde acaba la memoria #LSFFest
Donde acaba la memoria - memoria reciente de España a través de las biografías de tres de sus genios más reconocidos: Buñuel, Dalí y Lorca.
London Spanish Film Festival Interview
Donde acaba la memoria - memoria reciente de España a través de las biografías de tres de sus genios más reconocidos: Buñuel, Dalí y Lorca.
Getting everyone talking, thinking and learning about inclusion and people with different disabilities.
Pablo Romero Fresco on media accessibility.
Media accessibility: how cinema and live entertainment are made accessible to people with sensory disabilities.
A short discussion on the subject of audiovisual accessibility with focus on inclusion for the hearing impaired.
Film literacy presenting film as a language to be understood with future ambitions of developing ways in which it might teach future generations to speak it.