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    EXTRA Channel 03 FRED Film Radio channel used to broadcast press conferences, seminars, workshops, master classes, etc.

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    ROMANIAN Channel 09 Dacă vorbiţi sau înţelegeţi limba română, ACESTA ESTE CANALUL DUMNEAVOASTRĂ!

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    SLOVENIAN Channel 10

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    ENTERTAINMENT Channel 11 FRED Film Radio Channel used to broadcast music and live shows from Film Festivals.

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    BULGARIAN Channel 16 Ако българският е вашият роден език, или го разбирате, ТОВА Е ВАШИЯТ КАНАЛ !

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    CROATIAN Channel 17 Ako je hrvatski tvoj jezik, ili ga jednostavno razumiješ, OVO JE TVOJ KANAL!

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    LATVIAN Channel 18

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    ICELANDIC Channel 26 Ef þú talar, eða skilur íslensku, er ÞETTA RÁSIN ÞÍN !

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    INDUSTRY Channel 27 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to industry professionals.

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    EDUCATION Channel 28 FRED Film Radio channel completely dedicated to film literacy.

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    SARDU Channel 29 Si su sardu est sa limba tua, custu est su canale chi ti deghet!

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    “Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot

Torino Film Festival

“Luka”, interview with director Jessica Woodworth

todayDecember 7, 2023

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Jessica Woodworth, director "Luka". A staggering black and white emotional tourde force about a young soldier eager to fight and a battle that never came.

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    "Luka", interview with director Jessica Woodworth Angelo Acerbi

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The film “Luka” was presented at the 41st Torino Film Festival, in the special programme dedicated to the Torino Film Lab productions. The film was developed thanks to the Script Lab programme, and it is touring festivals all over the world. Taken from Dino Buzzati‘s “The Tartan Steppe“, is a black and white enticing tale of friendship and solitude.

Black and white was the only possible option

Jessica Woodworth tells that for her idea of “Luka” the only choice to make was shooting in black and white. She needed the audience not to be distracted by colours, both of the costumes and the locations in order to give back the sheer basic feeling that the desert was having on the characters.

Sicily as a perfect frame for her story

The film was uspposed to be shot in eastern Europe, but for safety issues right before its start the shooting  needed to be moved; Sicily became then the perfect place, having locations that could be adapted and an availability that overcame the expectations.




Luka, a young and ambitious soldier, embeds himself in the legendary Fort Kairos where heroic warriors defend the remains of civilization. His hopes to serve as an elite sniper are crushed when he is assigned to maintenance and must submit to the code of Kairos: obedience-endurance-sacrifice. As he rises through the ranks, Luka finds joy and strength in friendships with Konstantin, an enigmatic radar engineer, and Geronimo, a light-hearted private.

Written by: Angelo Acerbi


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