“Filmstunde_23”, Interview mit den Regisseuren Edgar Reitz und Jörg Adolph
1968 hat Edgar Reitz in seiner 'Filmstunde' versucht, Film an einem Mädchengymnasium zu unterrichten. 55 Jahre später blickt er mit Jörg Adolph darauf zurück.
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“Conversation with” at the 20th Marrakech IFF, interview with actor Willem Dafoe Bénédicte Prot
“FILMSTUNDE_23 [Subject: Filmmaking]”, interview with directors Edgar Reitz and Jörg Adolph Chiara Nicoletti
In 1968, the classroom of a girls’ grammar school in Munich is transformed into a film studio under the direction of young director Edgar Reitz. The “film lesson” begins: the first documented attempt in film history to teach film aesthetics as an independent subject. 2023: Edgar Reitz, the world-famous director of the “Heimat trilogy“, is approached by an elderly lady. She recognises herself as one of his former students. They arrange a class reunion.
“FILMSTUNDE_23 [Subject: Filmmaking]“, premiering at the 74th Berlinale, directed by Edgar Reitz and Jörg Adolph, is a montage documentary of the 1968 film class experience made by Reitz and his class reunion with his students in 2023.
As the directors declare in their press notes: “SUBJECT: FILMMAKING is a declaration of love for filmmaking and an appeal to finally bring film education into schools. A film about lifetime and the still unredeemed possibilities of the art of film”.
“FILMSTUNDE_23 [Subject: Filmmaking]” is an ode to film literacy reminding us that film should be taught in school since childhood.
In 1968, the young Edgar Reitz teaches filmmaking at a girls' school - a pioneering experiment in educational policy. 55 years later, an unlikely class reunion takes place.
Written by: Chiara Nicoletti
Berlinale1968 hat Edgar Reitz in seiner 'Filmstunde' versucht, Film an einem Mädchengymnasium zu unterrichten. 55 Jahre später blickt er mit Jörg Adolph darauf zurück.
Gloria!, opera prima della cantautrice Margherita Vicario, è un omaggio a tutte le donne compositrici e musiciste della storia.
The Artistic Director of the Berlinale, Carlo Chatrian, presents the 74th edition of the festival paying homage to Martin Scorsese and Edgar Reitz
Dal romanzo La gita di Mezzanotte di Roddy Doyle, torna il cinema d'animazione di Enzo d’Alò in concorso a Generation Kplus della Berlinale.
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L'Accademia del Cinema Italiano ha annunciato i 15 documentari in gara per il Premio David di Donatello – Cecilia Mangini 2025.
"Fatti Vedere" di Tiziano Russo, una commedia in stile 90’s americani con Matilde Gioli tra Tootsie e Mrs Doubtfire.
Pordenone Silent Film Festival
Dal 2 febbraio, Fuori Orario su Rai 3 dedica quattro notti alle Giornate del Cinema Muto di Pordenone con film, documentari rari e un’intervista esclusiva al direttore Jay Weissberg.
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