Benedekkel Fliegauf, Dealer
Benedekkel Fliegauf talks about his first feature Dealer.
Benedekkel Fliegauf talks about his first feature Dealer.
London Raindance Film Festival Interview
Salem Kali, Actor, Dealer. Festival Section: Autumn. FRED's Matt Micucci meets Salem Kali, actor in the film DEALER by Jean Luc Herbulot, which was presented in the Autumn strand at the 2014 Raindance Film Festival. Salem plays the titular leader's best friend and man of trust, who is a little silly and just stupid enough not to be able to pursue ambitions of his own. Yet, Salem played an even …
London Raindance Film Festival Interview
Jean Luc Herbulot, Director, co-screenwriter and editor, Dealer. Festival Section: Autumn. FRED's Matt Micucci meets filmmaker JEAN LUC HERBULOT, who presented his film DEALER in the Autumn strand at the Raindance Film Festival 2014. We talk about setting is coke fuelled rollercoaster ride to hell in Paris - defying the setting's more cinematic and romantic conventional representation on the big screen -, how the project was shaped by the film's …